The online buying experience on our website

Ordering something online in a jiffy, using apps for bank payments, connecting home electronics to your personal devices, hiring a gardener through a click or tap… At SD Worx, we want to offer our customers the same digital convenience we enjoy handling other everyday tasks. When it comes to the mysdworx app, for example, over a million employers and employees use it as the single access point to their everyday HR processes. Meanwhile, our digital offering continues to expand. Let’s zoom in on two Belgian digital sales initiatives from 2023.


The digital switch


A clear and easy-to-use online landing page where prospects can register to become SD Worx customers. Through this landing page, they discover two service packs with transparent pricing. What’s more, based on indicators such as headcount, a calculator instantly simulates how much it would cost their company to join SD Worx. At the checkout, prospects can choose to complete the registration process digitally or call in the personal help of an expert.

For whom?

SMEs with 1-4 employees


We first organised a pilot project in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium, which started in June 2023. After an evaluation and some adjustments in November and December, we launched the campaign nationwide in January 2024.

This campaign is still running in 2024, so we don’t have the final results yet, but we can already call it a success. In 2023, almost 43% of our leads have actually joined SD Worx.
Raf Janssen
Sales Manager SME at SD Worx



DIY packages for employers to set the ground rules around a specific topic. These toolkits usually include a presentation, a video in which an expert explains everything step by step, a theoretical framework and the necessary draft documents, such as policy statements.

For whom?

Belgian SMEs, both Dutch- and French-speaking


We developed the first toolkit during Covid around teleworking, which was a huge success. The next toolkits in line were expense allowance, salary bonus, mobility budget, training plan (2023) and employment plan for employees over 45 years (2023).

Why and how?

The governmental labour deal compels Belgian employers with 20 or more employees to deliver their training plans by the end of March 2023, which is also the deadline for their employment plans for employees over the age of 45. That’s why we informed affected SMEs via dedicated mailings and our newsletter in the first quarter of the year.

Furthermore, we include the link to a toolkit as a call to action wherever relevant – website, newsletter, email – along with the message that companies can also get in touch for personal guidance and advice.

Our toolkits are a clear response to what our SME customers are asking for. In 2023, we sold 718 toolkits. Legal deadlines also boosted our sales: almost 60% were bought in February and March, mainly toolkits for the training plan and employment plan for employees over 45 years, just in time for the legal deadline of 31 March.
Annelies Rottiers
Business Unit Manager Consult SME at SD Worx