Jernbro meets high growth targets with our flexible HR and payroll systems


Jernbro, Sweden’s leading industrial maintenance company, has over 900 employees. To ensure continuous growth, HR, payroll and employee processes must run smoothly. Jernbro and SD Worx started working together in the early 2000s.


SD Worx takes care of scheduling, staffing, deviation reporting, analysis of results and outsourcing of Jernbro’s payroll service. Monthly operational meetings and ongoing dialogue ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. Free and open communication is the most important factor in building a long-term relationship.


“Together with the SD Worx payroll team, we work hard to ensure that pay is correct and that employees are satisfied. During operational meetings, we always evaluate and look for improvements. Nothing gets lost and it’s always followed up on,” says Urban Ekmark, HR Manager at Jernbro

Growing together

Set with strong growth targets, Jernbro needs a partner who understands the challenge but can also provide support along the way. SD Worx is therefore keen to support the company’s development. Urban: “As we grow, SD Worx grows with us. They develop or adjust their services to meet our needs as we expand. Because of the complexity of our business, we place high demands on systems and communications. We know what we want, and in our close collaboration with SD Worx consultants we have always found a solution that works for both parties.”


© Jernbro

Curiosity and interest lead to more options

Jernbro really want to understand how SD Worx’s systems work, how to make the best use of them and how to get the most out of them. Urban: “If we are curious about a module or service, we can try it out. SD Worx never wants to hard sell anything, but they do want us, as a customer, to be satisfied with what they deliver. If something doesn’t work, they develop it or phase it out – that’s how the relationship works.”

Mutual respect and open dialogue

A good working relationship is not built overnight though. “We listen to each other and communicate with mutual respect. Good communication is an important part of delivery,” says Urban. “We are a team and we always try to make the best of it.”

As we grow, SD Worx grows with us. They develop or adjust their services to meet our needs as we expand.
Urban Ekmark
HR Manager at Jernbro